Things I’m into | Jan24

True Detective

Big fan of the 1st & 2nd series, now 3 episodes deep in series 5 and still excited for my Monday night fix.

I’m enjoying the supernatural element, & loving the Alaskan setting. Since working in Norway in my 20’s I’d consider myself a woman of the winter and love the few depictions there are of night country.

The highlight has to be Jodie Foster, who’s so compelling I’d watch a cardboard box if she were the main event.


I’ve been journalling regularly since 2017. As much as I miss pen to paper, I keep it digital for ease of indexing. 2023’s volume took a serious hit due to work, babies, work & then more babies, so this year I’ve picked back up and find it really stabilising.

It’s no literary feat, in fact it’s a desperately dull read, but the days I fine the time (usually between 5-7am) I notice I’m that little bit more manageable for all involved in my daily life!

I like to log the prior day’s events and make a short, matter of fact list of things that made me feel gratitude. It’s a small habit, but my most effective tool for emotional regulation.

Fashion Challenge

I’ve started a new IG account that documents my outfits! I just love clothes, I can’t deny myself the pleasure, so here I am now with a dedicated IG moodboard.

I’ve kicked it off with a fashion challenge of no-buy-January, to rejuvenate my relationship with old items that might have Marie Kondo’d themselves away otherwise.

Just cos, it brings me joy.