October 23
Autumn is by far my favourite season. The colours, the cosy layering, the fires, pub corners, rain - I could go on & on.
This year we did visit a pumpkin patch - eye roll - and yes perhaps I did insist we chuck Zia in a pile of them and take pictures…
disgusted with myself if I’m honest.
I cook more than normal in October because as a veggie (full disclosure, whilst pregnant I eat meat.. sue me) there’s so many lovely pumpkin recipes to get through.
This year’s winner was pumpkin enchiladas with homemade chipotle, tahini and cashew sauce. I season and roast up all the excess squash we have. I munch the skins too - totally delicious!
2024’s autumnal mission is a trad American pumpkin pie. With cream. Lots of cream.
Black Bean & Pumpkin Enchiladas
Phisobury Park
I’ve been savouring the dog walks. Everyday the same route but dramatically altered. Soon there’ll be no vibrant leaves, just mud and mush as the ground regenerates.
I’ll be too pregnant to walk the miles then, so for now I’m taking them long and slow on days when I have the time too. Ray is thrilled!
Zia is 8 months old already. I love this age! She’s so much fun and learning new things rapidly. She already has the selfie perfected.